Are you interested in making items such as quilts, beanies, booties, etc. for donation to needy facilities? Do you have a stash of fabric or yarn that you still need a project for (to good to throw away but not enough to complete something larger)?
Please contact us at We may be able to suggest some excellent ways to make use of those materials.
Please include some information about your skills and material you have that you feel would apply. And of course your contact information (at least an email and name).
Typical skills/interests that we know would apply:
- Quilting (machine or hand)
- Sewing (machine or hand)
- Knitting
- Crochet work
Keep in mind you don't have to be experienced to help or to have a lot of time to contribute. Any contribution of time is a huge blessing to those who have the need.
Of course there are many more that can be of benefit to others. Please let us know that you feel could contribute. We are always looking for new ideas.
Of course there are many more that can be of benefit to others. Please let us know that you feel could contribute. We are always looking for new ideas.
We just ask that you be patient with waiting for our response. We'd much rather be doing projects than being on the Internet. However, we will always get back to you.
A generous thank you to all who have responded so positively about SewKnotCreative and its simple concept. One can do so much, so many together can accomplish wonderful things.
Thank you, your friend,