Thursday, September 15, 2011

Three Quilt Patterns and Top Assembly Diagrams

We have drafted three quilt top assembly diagrams on variations using the half-square triangles. All of the used the same basic fabric for the squares and then where finished off with border variants. These are posted to help generate ideas of how you might use up those scraps of fabric laying around the house.
You can download and print copies for your personal use or for projects you are going to donate.  Please see our ‘terms of use’ at SEWKNOTCREATIVE.ORG before you utilize the layouts. Each diagram and its assembly notes will print on an 8 ½ x 11 page. The photo colors are a little stronger than the actual materials used.
We have found the softer pastel colors to be very acceptable for the use these blankets and quilts are intended.
Let us know if these are a help in your own projects. We always value your input.

Around Rectangle Quilt

Chevron Quilt
Striped Quilt

Half Square Triangle Around Rectangle Quilt  (HST_AR_135x18_Around_175x218.jpg)
Half Square Triangle Chevron Quilt (HST_CQ_165x18_Chevron_173x195.jpg)
Half Square Triangle Striped Quilt (HST_SQ_10x12_HalfSQ_175x204.jpg)

Thursday, September 8, 2011

2nd Chance Quilts

I have been working on my second chance quilts this past week or so. I call these quilts my second chance quilts because I am using the left over scraps from quilts I have done for friends new babies.  By using different triangles and combining them I can make squares for a top, the fun thing about these quilts is that the fabric doesn’t seem to be going away. (I think it is hiding with the hangers in the closet and multiplying when I am not looking!)  I have more triangles and small scraps and lots of hangers. 

I was reading the Costco magazine today and there was an article about the resurgence of interest in sewing by all ages of younger people. I think that is very encouraging, I hope both young and older will be interested in sewing little blankets for your local hospital for these tiny babies who need some love.

I was talking to my friend, the nurse, who I give my completed beanies and booties to at church on Sunday and she related a heartwarming story to me about how they had had a 22 week baby born that didn’t survive and she had remembered some of the little beanies and bootie sets that I had given her that she was able to bring in and dress that precious baby, my friend said the mom had tears in her eyes when she gave her the baby to say good bye to.  That brought tears to my eyes also and really confirms to me that this is what Heavenly Father wants me to be doing.